Codes and Conventions of Horror

The soundtrack is often paramount in horror for creating tension. Commonly used are classical instruments such as strings (often a contrast of high pitched strings against low pitched strings with little middle ground) and synthesizers. The soundtrack will use lots of dissonance and unresolved suspensions in order to create tension. Another popular method for creating a creepy soundtrack is to use children's songs and changing the timbre of the melody and accompaniment by arranging it for strings, especially putting the melody high in the strings where is is almost scratchy whilst having a discordant pedal underneath in the bass to juxtapose it against. The high pitched melody raises the hair on the back of the audiences neck whilst the bass can fill them with tension and dread.

Typically in a horror there is a protagonist that is fighting to survive against an antagonist that is out to kill them. The antagonist can range from a different array of human, monsters, and human-like monsters (such as zombies, vampires, ghosts). A lot of the time the antagonist is also an unknown entity to add to the tension of the film by making the protagonist struggle more to find a way to survive.

Some horror themes are created to be play on real life that the audience can relate to audience. These themes include good vs evil, revenge, mental health problems, freedom/control. This makes the genre more personal for the audience and so makes it more hard-hitting and tense for them.
Other themes are more fantastical and require more imagination for the audience. These themes include nightmares, monsters/living dead, science. This gives the audience something out of their knowledge and makes it less personal and more entertaining. It also gives a safety net of sorts as the audience can come away knowing its not real.

Settings in horror are usually dark and dank. Horror movies are often set in abandoned, dilapidated buildings as it gives a sense of isolationism as there is no one else there or nearby (especially when set in an abandoned mental hospital) which creates tension. These building are also often in a secluded area that is usually surrounded by woods to further create a sense of isolationism. It also creates a sense of confinement as there is no clear means of escape. Settings in buildings that are not abandoned will also use confinement and claustrophobia in order to create tension through a lack of escape route. Horrors are typically set at night time - especially when the main horror events happen.
