Audiences Uses and Gratifications Theories

Blumler and Katz theorised that the media had to have one aspect of their uses and gratification theory:

Identity - Being able to recognise and relate to the character the media gives the audience and create emotional connections to them that the audience uses to aspire to or to escape reality and be.
Educate - The audience having access to the media to gain information, educate themselves and further their understanding. Most use the internet in order to attain this.
Entertain - The audience uses the media to gain enjoyment and/or provide themselves with escapism in order to be in what seems to be a better place in order to forget the trails of life. A popular form of escapism is Role-Playing Games in which the audience can become completely immersed.
Enhancement of Social Interaction - The media product creating a conversation topic for the audience in order for them to use it in their interactions. Shows like Big Brother and Strictly Come Dancing do this for their audience.

In their theory, the audience basically personalises their use of the media to gratify their needs. It comes in many forms, as does the media, such as video gaming, music collections, film, TV, etc.
