Legal Rights and Responsibilities


Having Copyright means only you having the rights to use your work. For those that don't have any copyright to your product it means they can't copy your product, can't show your product in public or show to the public through TV and the internet. People without the copyright rights need permission in order to do any of these things. The producer and director are usually the people who own copyright to a film. Having copyright is good because it protects your work from others who then need permission and also means you get the money for your work.

Copyright Clearance

In order to use someone else's copyrighted work in your own film or video you need to get copyright clearance which basically means they give you permission to use their material in your work. They must give you permission before you publish your work in the public domain. Copy right clearance is needed in; Screenplays, written works (read aloud or seen), music on a soundtrack, artworks seen in the film, footage from other films/videos including news footage, parts of other films. Getting copyright clearance is important because it ensures you do not infringe on others rights.

Moral rights for film and video makers

Moral rights are the rights that connect the creator to their work. Its a moral right to have your name acknowledged in the credits. Moral rights also stop others from claiming your role as director/producer/etc. They can also protect you by taking legal action if your film is used against you to harm your reputation.

Before filming anyone you need to have a consent form that outlines what your filming, what they need to do and how they are seen or heard in the last edit. Permission is also needed when filming in private property or on public land.
